


教育顾问   Consultant 

Educational Background 教育背景

2003-presentnational Board certification

National Board for professional Teaching standards

National Board certification is the highest symbol of professional teaching excellence in the united

States. Becominga National Board certified Teacher attests to the fact that you have been judged by

your peers as an exemplary educator in your field.

Jun2000-may2002 Master of library& ln formation studies

University of Rhode Island

My education focused upon real-world skills, and the practical application of online resources in the global

economy. Aditionaly, i received extensive experience using collaborative tools to facilitate learning,

such as social software like edu-blogs, wikis, and social media.


Working Experience  工作经历

Mar 2004-present digital/medialiteracy instructional librarian Middle town school department

collborates with faculty and students in all subject areas providing library in stuction, research

consultations and reference services.

● promotes the use of subject-specilficinformation resources utilizing current technologies.

Teaches "digital/medialiteracy"courses across grade levels.

Jan 2004-present peer virtual learning Trainer/online lnstructor

University of Rhodelslandgraduvate school of Education

EDC 525 "website Technology in Education and Training"

online and asynchronous

This graduate-levelcourse was designed by me to be highly interactive, open-ended and investigative.

Course participants were all focusing on how to use technology to best teach the adult lear me. The

focus was:

● to understand basic concepts of online cl labor ation,

to share and heighten common depth of knowledge regarding online collaborative endeavors,

● to develop a supportive, reflective, virtual professional community around online collaboration

EDC922 "ebooks and Digitalcontent"

online and asynchronous 4-semesters

Kindles, nooks, ipads, e readers, and tablets are the new electronic tools exploding in usage both inside

and outside the classroom. These devices can be used to support teaching and lea ming. This course

provided hands- on experience using these tools, exploring open source e textbooks and

understanding the concepts and technologies behind web2. 0. Participants used collaborative software

to create tex books and cola b orated with other educators on how be s to in cop orate these

EDC586 "social Media Technology to promote learning"

Online and asynchronous

This graduate-levelcourse was designed to guide professionals through the use of social Media tools to

department directors, to remote managers, to k-12educators, to university professors and library


EDC923"online collaboration and Exploration"

online and asynchronous

This graduate-levelcourse was designed to be highly interactive, open-ended and investigative.

Teachers learn:

● to understand basic concepts of online cl labor ation,

● to share and heighten common depth of knowledge regarding online collaborative endeavors,

● to identify potential educational areas for online collaboration,

● to develop a supportive, reflective, virtual professional community around online collaboration

https'ww. Visualcv. Comdavefontaine

·EDC922 "integratingopen Educational Resources in the classroom"

online and asynchronous3-semesters

·EDC921 using Blogs and wikis to Foster literacy"

online and asynchronous l-semesters

·EDC920"harnessing the power of the l nter net for Teaching&learning"

online and asynchronous 18-semesters

·EDC478"exemplary Teaching practices"3-semesters

. EDC 479 'documenting Accomplished Teaching Through National Board certification"(3cr)4-


Sep2012-jun2013 online Teaching Fellowship

University of Rhode istland-office of online Education

Online Teaching Fellows participate ina rigorous, highly interactive virtual fellowship of professors.

The goal of this program is to remain on the cutting edge of 2stcentury technological tools, resources,

and online pedagogy. This intensive training program focuses upon excellence in online teaching and

learning and staying'current'with the most effective teaching practices for both online and blended

mit ment and willingness to share their expertise through the mentoring of other faculty in online course

development and delivery.

The OTF creates a community of practitioners that:

o support faculty e forts to enhance fa milirity and facility with blended and online le arm ning.

o support faculty innovation on in e to enhance student learning.

o engage faculty as online learner to develop a community of practice who value and appreciate

o develop a cadre of motivated, involved faculty willing to mentor future online Fellowsto build a

self-sustaining faculty mentoring program for or n line and blended teaching

2009-2010 open Educational Resource Fellow

Curriki. Org

Curikiworked with6 distinguished graduate professors of education from around the nation to

develop a course on integrating open educational resources into the classroom. Thecourse is broken

into 6 chapters that cover an introduction to OER, licensing, searching finding OER, creating your own

OER, using o erin the classroom and mixing and remixing with OER. All on tent is offered

freely under creative commons Atribution licensing.

Feb 1997-feb2003 English Teacher

Midetown school department


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